Sipho is 6 years older than betty.In 3 year's time sipho will be twice as old as betty.How old is sipho now

s = b + 6

s+3 = 2 (b+3) = 2 b + 6

b+6 +3 = 2 b + 6
3 = b
s = 9

Let's assume Betty's current age is x years.

According to the information given, Sipho is 6 years older than Betty, so his current age would be (x + 6) years.

In 3 years, Betty's age will be (x + 3) years, and Sipho's age will be (x + 6 + 3) years.

According to the second statement, in 3 years' time, Sipho will be twice as old as Betty, so the equation can be formed as follows:

(x + 6 + 3) = 2 * (x + 3)

Expanding the equation:

x + 9 = 2x + 6

Now, we can solve for x:

x - 2x = 6 - 9

-x = -3

Dividing both sides by -1:

x = 3

So, Betty's current age is 3 years.

Substituting this value back into the equation:

Sipho's current age = x + 6 = 3 + 6 = 9 years.

Therefore, Sipho is currently 9 years old.

To find out Sipho's current age, we can solve the problem step by step:

Let's assume Betty's current age is "x" years.

According to the information given, Sipho is 6 years older than Betty. Therefore, Sipho's current age would be "x + 6" years.

In 3 years' time, Betty's age will be "x + 3" years, and Sipho's age will be "x + 6 + 3" years.

According to the problem, in 3 years' time, Sipho will be twice as old as Betty:

x + 6 + 3 = 2(x + 3)

Now, let's solve the equation:

x + 9 = 2x + 6

Moving the variables to one side, we get:

2x - x = 9 - 6

x = 3

Therefore, Betty's current age is 3 years.

To find Sipho's current age, we can substitute the value of x into the equation:

Sipho's current age = x + 6 = 3 + 6 = 9 years

So, Sipho is currently 9 years old.