Why are good conductors of heat also good conductors of electricity

electrons that can move easily through the lattice structure facilitate both processes

A nail contains trillions of electrons. Given that electrons repel from each other, why do they not then fly out of the nail?

Aren't there postive charges in the nail that holds them near?

A light bulb connected to a 9-V battery has a current of 1.5 A flowing.

a. Find the resistance of the light bulb (in ohms)
b. Find the power drawn by the light bulb (in W)

a r=9/1.5

b. power=9*1.5

Good conductors of heat are typically also good conductors of electricity due to the underlying principles of atomic and molecular interactions.

To understand this, let me explain how heat and electricity are both conducted in materials.

In the realm of heat conduction, it occurs mainly through the transfer of kinetic energy between particles of a substance. When heat is applied to a material, its atoms or molecules gain energy and vibrate more vigorously, colliding with neighboring particles. This kinetic energy is then transferred from one particle to another, propagating the heat throughout the material. Materials with high thermal conductivity allow this heat transfer to occur efficiently, indicating that they are good conductors of heat.

Now, let's move on to electrical conduction. Electric current flows through a material when there is a movement of electrically charged particles, such as electrons. In conductive materials, the outermost electrons of the atoms are loosely bound and can easily move within the material when an electric potential is applied. These mobile electrons are responsible for carrying the electric charge and propagating the electrical current. In substances with high electrical conductivity, the flow of electrons is smooth and efficient.

The reason why good conductors of heat are also good conductors of electricity lies in their atomic and molecular structure. In materials with high thermal conductivity, atoms or molecules are typically tightly packed, allowing for efficient energy transfer between them. Similarly, in materials with high electrical conductivity, their crystal lattice structure often enables the free movement of electrons.

This common structural characteristic of good conductors allows both heat and electricity to be transferred readily. Therefore, materials that excel in thermal conductivity tend to also excel in electrical conductivity.

It's important to note that there are exceptions, such as diamond, which is an excellent conductor of heat but a poor conductor of electricity. Diamond's thermal conductivity is attributed to the strong covalent bonds between its carbon atoms, enabling efficient vibration-based heat transfer. However, its electrical conductivity is low due to its lack of free electrons.

In summary, the ability of a material to conduct heat and electricity depends on its atomic and molecular structure, and substances that are good conductors of heat generally possess the characteristics that make them good conductors of electricity as well.