Hi I am new to programming and I need your Help to solve this Problem.


draw your draft of the corresponding flowchart.
On a new paper following your flowchart, write its equivalent using pseudocodes.

1. You are left in charge of taking care of your baby brother. Your mother asked you to prepare the milk by 9:00 AM. Your father asked you to cook lunch by 11:00 AM. You need bathe your brother by 3:00 PM. Lastly, at 5:00 PM, you have your scheduled game with your team. Remember that each activity is time-specific. For the time outside the specified hours, you are to do nothing but wait.
2. You were given five cubes and you were tasked by your Physics course instructor to determine the one cube that weighs greater than the rest. Four of the cubes have the same weight. You are only given to chances to weigh a set of cubes. After the second weigh, you need to accurately discern the one cube that weighs more.
o To weigh the five cubes only up to two times to determine which one weighs more, you will need to weigh for the 1st round four cubes by twos and leave one cube aside.
o If the two parts of weighed cubes are equal, then the cube we need to determine is the fifth cube - the one we set aside.
o If not, then one of the four cubes we weighed is the one we need. To do this, we will disregard the pair that weighs lesser and focus on the pair that weighs more. We will weigh that pair for our 2nd round, and the cube that weighs more than the other is the cube that we need.
3. You are to travel for a beach escapade. Since you are going, you need a set of materials for the trip. List down all the items you need, create a checklist beforehand, determine whether you already have each of the items, and buy the items you do not yet have. Indicate at least 5 items.

answer please

Sure, I'd be happy to help you with these problems. Let's take them one by one.

First, let's start with problem 1:

1. You are left in charge of taking care of your baby brother. Your mother asked you to prepare the milk by 9:00 AM. Your father asked you to cook lunch by 11:00 AM. You need bathe your brother by 3:00 PM. Lastly, at 5:00 PM, you have your scheduled game with your team. Remember that each activity is time-specific. For the time outside the specified hours, you are to do nothing but wait.

To solve this problem, we can create a flowchart representing the different activities and their respective timeframes. Here's a simplified version of the flowchart:

Start -> Check the time
If time is before 9:00 AM:
Do nothing
If time is between 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM:
Prepare the milk
If time is between 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM:
Cook lunch
If time is between 3:00 PM and 5:00 PM:
Bathe your brother
If time is after 5:00 PM:
Go to your game

Now let's write the pseudocode equivalent of the flowchart:

currentTime = getCurrentTime()
If currentTime is before 9:00 AM:
Do nothing
Else if currentTime is between 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM:
Prepare the milk
Else if currentTime is between 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM:
Cook lunch
Else if currentTime is between 3:00 PM and 5:00 PM:
Bathe your brother
Else (currentTime is after 5:00 PM):
Go to your game
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance.

Sure! I'd be happy to help you with these problems.

Question 1:
To solve this problem, you can create a flowchart that represents the different activities and their corresponding time limits. Here's a possible draft of the flowchart:

| (Check current time)
Is it before 9:00 AM? ----(Yes)------> Prepare milk
| (Check current time)
Is it before 11:00 AM? ----(Yes)------> Cook lunch
| (Check current time)
Is it before 3:00 PM? ----(Yes)------> Bathe brother
| (Check current time)
Is it before 5:00 PM? ----(Yes)------> Wait

For the equivalent pseudocode, you can follow the same logic:

if current time < 9:00 AM:
Prepare milk

if current time < 11:00 AM:
Cook lunch

if current time < 3:00 PM:
Bathe brother

if current time < 5:00 PM:

Question 2:
To determine the one cube that weighs greater than the rest using two weighings, you can follow the given hint. Here's how you can represent it in a flowchart:

| (Weigh four cubes by twos)
Are the two sets of weighed cubes equal? ---(Yes)----> Identify 5th cube as the heaviest
| (Weigh the heavier set of cubes by twos)
Is one of the cubes heavier? ----(Yes)------> Identify the heavier cube

For the equivalent pseudocode, you can use similar steps:

Weigh four cubes by twos
If the two sets of weighed cubes are equal:
Identify 5th cube as the heaviest
Weigh the heavier set of cubes by twos
If one of the cubes is heavier:
Identify the heavier cube

Question 3:
In order to create a checklist for your beach trip and ensure you have all the required items, you can follow these steps. Here's the flowchart:

Make a checklist of items needed for the trip
| (Check each item)
Is the item already owned? ----(Yes)------> Move to the next item
| (Check each item)
Do you need to buy the item? ----(Yes)------> Buy the item

For the equivalent pseudocode, you can use similar steps:

Make a checklist of items needed for the trip
For each item in the checklist:
If the item is already owned:
Move to the next item
Buy the item

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.