Ronald needs a morning breakfast drink that will give at least

345 calories. Orange juice has
115 calories in one cup. How many cups does he need to drink to reach his calorie goal?

You have two numbers. Do you think you should


Is your answer reasonable?

Divide. I think.

Divide. I think. I got 3.

Thank You. Ms.Sue.

Yes. 3 is the answer.

You're welcome.

To determine the number of cups Ronald needs to drink in order to reach his calorie goal, we can set up an equation:

Let x be the number of cups Ronald needs to drink.
Since each cup of orange juice has 115 calories, the equation becomes:

115 calories/cup × x cups = 345 calories

To solve for x, divide both sides of the equation by 115:

115x/115 = 345/115

Simplifying, we get:

x = 3

Therefore, Ronald needs to drink 3 cups of orange juice to reach his calorie goal of 345 calories.