Read the sentence.

The printing press helped people to ___________.
Which option correctly completes the sentence?

find employment hand copying books from Latin to native languages

understand their religion by reading affordable printed Bibles

learn and understand Latin

spread the ideas of Petrarch

i think its b

I agree with b.

thank you

You're welcome.

To determine the correct option that completes the sentence, let's break down the sentence and consider the role of the printing press.

The printing press was an invention in the 15th century that revolutionized the way information and knowledge were spread. It enabled the mass production of books, making them more accessible and affordable. So, the question asks how the printing press helped people.

Option A: Find employment hand copying books from Latin to native languages.
This option suggests that the printing press helped people find employment by copying books from Latin to native languages. However, the printing press made hand copying books unnecessary, as it allowed for the rapid production of multiple copies. Therefore, it is unlikely to be the correct answer.

Option B: Understand their religion by reading affordable printed Bibles.
This option correctly acknowledges that the printing press helped people understand their religion by making affordable printed Bibles widely available. Before the printing press, Bibles were scarce and often only accessible to the clergy. The printing press contributed to religious reformations by allowing individuals to read and interpret religious texts themselves.

Option C: Learn and understand Latin.
While the printing press made Latin texts more available, it was not the main purpose or impact of the invention. Learning and understanding Latin might have been a personal benefit for some, but it doesn't capture the broader impact of the printing press on society.

Option D: Spread the ideas of Petrarch.
While the printing press did contribute to the spread of ideas, Petrarch was an Italian poet and scholar associated with the Renaissance, not specifically with the printing press. Petrarch's ideas might have been disseminated through printed materials, but the printing press had a much broader impact on society beyond one individual's ideas.

Considering the above analysis, the correct option to complete the sentence is Option B: understand their religion by reading affordable printed Bibles.