which of the following is an example of an open equation? 1)5x+7=12// 2)12+(-8)=4// 3)25=5(5)//4)8+0=8

An open equation is an equation that has a variable in it, which means the equation can have multiple solutions depending on the value of the variable.

Out of the options you provided, the only example of an open equation is 1) 5x + 7 = 12. This equation has the variable 'x', and therefore can have multiple solutions depending on the value of 'x'. To solve this equation, you need to isolate the variable 'x'. Here's how:

Step 1: Subtract 7 from both sides of the equation:
5x + 7 - 7 = 12 - 7
5x = 5

Step 2: Divide both sides of the equation by 5 to solve for 'x':
(5x)/5 = 5/5
x = 1

So, the solution to the open equation 5x + 7 = 12 is x = 1.

the value of x determines the truth of equation 1. Open Sentence: an equation or inequality containing one or more variables in which its truth or falsehood depends upon the values assumed by the variables in a particular instance, as the equation x + 3 = 8.