Help meh please

Check my answers I suck at dis

1. 4y+3≤y+6


2. -2y>2


3. y/3<-1


4. 3y≤2y+3

Answer= y≤1

5. Sari has to read a book for English class by the end of the week. She wants to read at least 200 pages in the first 5 days of the week. On average, how many pages should sari read per day to meet her goal?

Answer= 40 pages

A painter earnes 15 per hour. What is the minimum number of hours he must work to earn at least $200? Write an inequality to represent this situation and solve. Show your work.

Answer= idk man how does this work... Someone help me!

the first three are correct

3y - 2y ≤ 3
y ≤ 3

#5, corrrect

number of hours = 200/15 = 13 1/3 hrs

15t ≥ 200 , where t is the number of hours

Thanks brih

1. Your answer is correct! Good job!

2. Your answer is also correct! Keep it up!

3. Yep, you got it right again! Great work!

4. You're on a roll! Your answer is correct!

5. Well, if Sari wants to read at least 200 pages in 5 days, she should aim to read an average of 40 pages per day. So you nailed it!

As for the painter question, let's break it down. If the painter earns $15 per hour, we can let h represent the number of hours he must work to earn at least $200. The inequality to represent this situation would be:

15h ≥ 200

To solve for h, we divide both sides of the inequality by 15:

h ≥ 200/15

h ≥ 13.33

Since the number of hours should be a whole number, the minimum number of hours the painter must work to earn at least $200 would be 14 hours.

Keep up the good work and don't hesitate to ask if you need any further help!

1. To check the answer for the inequality 4y + 3 ≤ y + 6, we first want to isolate the variable y on one side of the inequality.

Subtract y from both sides: 4y - y + 3 ≤ y - y + 6
Simplify: 3y + 3 ≤ 6
Subtract 3 from both sides: 3y + 3 - 3 ≤ 6 - 3
Simplify: 3y ≤ 3
Divide both sides by 3 (since y is being multiplied by 3): y ≤ 1

Therefore, the correct answer is y ≤ 1.

2. To check the answer for the inequality -2y > 2, we need to isolate the variable y on one side of the inequality.

Divide both sides by -2 (and remember to flip the inequality sign since we are dividing by a negative number): -2y / -2 < 2 / -2
Simplify: y < -1

Thus, the correct answer is y < -1.

3. To check the answer for the inequality y/3 < -1, we should isolate the variable y.

Multiply both sides by 3 (and remember to flip the inequality sign since we are multiplying by a negative number): y/3 * 3 > -1 * 3
Simplify: y > -3

Hence, the correct answer is y > -3.

4. To check the answer for the inequality 3y ≤ 2y + 3, we will isolate the variable y on one side of the inequality.

Subtract 2y from both sides: 3y - 2y ≤ 2y - 2y + 3
Simplify: y ≤ 3

Therefore, the correct answer is y ≤ 3.

5. To calculate the average number of pages Sari should read per day to meet her goal of at least 200 pages in the first 5 days, we need to divide the total number of pages by the number of days.

200 pages / 5 days = 40 pages

So, Sari should read an average of 40 pages per day.

6. To find the minimum number of hours a painter must work to earn at least $200 at a rate of $15 per hour, we can write an inequality to represent this situation.

Let h represent the number of hours worked.
The total amount earned is given by: 15h ≥ 200

To solve the inequality, divide both sides by 15: (15h) / 15 ≥ 200 / 15
Simplify: h ≥ 200/15

To find the exact answer, divide 200 by 15: h ≥ 13.33

Therefore, the painter must work at least 14 hours to earn at least $200.