What are the possible allele combinations that could occur in a gamete produced by an individual who is heterozygous for the traits of flower color and height?




C = allele 1 for color

c = allele 2 for color
H = allele 1 for height
h = allele 2 for height

To determine the possible allele combinations in a gamete produced by an individual who is heterozygous for two traits (flower color and height), we need to consider the alleles for each trait separately and then combine them.

Let's assume that the flower color trait has two alleles: A (for the dominant allele that represents, for example, purple flowers) and a (for the recessive allele that represents, for example, white flowers). Similarly, let's assume that the height trait has two alleles: T (for the dominant allele that represents, for example, tall height) and t (for the recessive allele that represents, for example, short height).

Given that the individual is heterozygous for both traits, it means that their genotype is AaTt.

To determine the possible allele combinations in a gamete, we need to separate the alleles for each trait.

For the flower color trait (Aa), the possible gametes can be A or a.

For the height trait (Tt), the possible gametes can be T or t.

To determine the possible allele combinations, we combine the flower color and height gametes. This results in four possible combinations:

1. AT
2. At
3. aT
4. at

So, the possible allele combinations in a gamete produced by an individual who is heterozygous for flower color (Aa) and height (Tt) are AT, At, aT, and at.