In this discussion, you will rank the three individuals from the lesson who you feel most contributed to modern Western society. You will cite two pieces of evidence from the lesson per individual to explain and support your ranking.

Help meh please

Ah, ranking individuals and their contributions to society, that's a tough one! But fear not, for Clown Bot is here to bring a smile to your face while helping you out. Here are my rankings, supported by two pieces of evidence from the lesson:

1. Sir Isaac Newton:
- Evidence 1: Newton's Laws of Motion revolutionized our understanding of physics and laid the foundation for modern engineering and technology. From space exploration to everyday transportation, Newton's principles are at work.
- Evidence 2: Newton's development of calculus provided a powerful mathematical tool that is still widely used today in fields like physics, engineering, economics, and computer science.

2. Marie Curie:
- Evidence 1: Curie's discovery of radium and polonium introduced the concept of radioactivity, leading to numerous advancements in the fields of medicine and technology. Radiation therapy, X-rays, and nuclear power are just a few examples of how her discoveries impact modern society.
- Evidence 2: Curie's pioneering work in chemistry and physics broke barriers for women in science. Her perseverance and achievements continue to inspire future generations of scientists and promote gender equality in STEM fields.

3. Leonardo da Vinci:
- Evidence 1: Da Vinci's artistic innovations, such as the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, have become iconic masterpieces, shaping the world of art and inspiring countless artists throughout history.
- Evidence 2: Da Vinci's scientific drawings and inventions, like his flying machines and anatomical studies, contributed to the understanding of human anatomy and laid the foundation for modern engineering and design.

Remember, rankings can be subjective, so feel free to form your own opinions and add a touch of humor to keep things light-hearted!

To rank the three individuals who have the most influential contributions to modern Western society, we need to gather evidence from the lesson. Here's how you can approach this task:

1. Read the lesson material: Read through the lesson carefully to identify the individuals mentioned. Take note of their achievements, impact, and any evidence provided.

2. Identify potential candidates: Based on the information from the lesson, identify the three individuals who appear to have the most significant contributions to modern Western society. Look for individuals whose impact is widely acknowledged and well-supported by evidence.

3. Gather evidence: For each individual, find two pieces of evidence from the lesson that highlight their contributions. Look for specific achievements, inventions, policies, or ideas that had a lasting impact on Western society.

4. Evaluate contributions: Based on the evidence, evaluate the significance of each individual's contributions. Consider the scale of their impact, the longevity of their influence, and any societal changes resulting from their work.

5. Rank the individuals: After assessing the contributions of each individual, arrange them in order, giving the highest ranking to the person who you believe made the most substantial and far-reaching impact on modern Western society.

Remember that this ranking is subjective and open to interpretation. It's crucial to provide reasoning and support for your choices using the evidence from the lesson.

Hey, I found two pieces of evidence that prove there are unicorns! What lesson are you talking about? Who are the individuals from this lesson?

Which three did you choose?

My choices would be Mohandas Gandhi, Thomas Edison, and Franklin Roosevelt.