The local reader’s club has a set of 36 hardback books and a set of 30 paperbacks. Each set can be divided equally among the club members. What is the greatest possible number of club members?

idk, uhm 6?

Right. So the greatest number of club members is 6.

oh also GET YO ANSWERS is incorrect don't listen to them

You're welcome.

dont mind me just looking


plz help me with my unit test : /

i just realized i put the answer for a different question. oops well if ur question is this then listen to me otherwise don't

The local readers’ club has a set of 49 hardback books and a set of 21 paperbacks. each set can be divided equally among the club members. what is the greatest possible number of club members?14 21 147 7


if anybody has all the answers please tell me i need to get all of the questions right so i get a good score on the unit 3 math test