What does it mean that Jose Gutierrez de Lara was a strong contributor to Mexican Independance

It sounds as if he worked for the independence of Mexico from Spain.

Read lots and find out what he did to bring about independence from Spain.

thank you guys

You're welcome.

Jose Gutierrez de Lara was a prominent figure during the Mexican War of Independence, which took place from 1810 to 1821. He played a significant role in the struggle for Mexican independence from Spain. To understand how he was a strong contributor, it is important to explore his actions and contributions.

To start, Jose Gutierrez de Lara was a Mexican revolutionary leader and military strategist. He initially joined the forces of Miguel Hidalgo, considered the father of Mexican independence, and fought against Spanish rule. Gutierrez de Lara was involved in the early stages of the independence movement and participated in several key battles.

Gutierrez de Lara's most notable contribution was his involvement in the planning and execution of the Grito de Dolores, a significant event that marked the beginning of the Mexican War of Independence. The Grito de Dolores, or Cry of Dolores, was a speech delivered by Miguel Hidalgo on September 16, 1810. The speech called for the end of Spanish colonial rule and ignited a popular uprising against Spanish authorities.

Following the Grito de Dolores, Gutierrez de Lara served as a military leader and diplomat. He played a crucial role in coordinating and leading revolutionary forces, particularly in the northern regions of Mexico. Gutierrez de Lara was instrumental in organizing and commanding troops in the battles of Monterrey, Saltillo, and San Antonio, among others.

Furthermore, Gutierrez de Lara is recognized for his efforts in laying the groundwork for an independent Mexican state. He was involved in drafting the first Mexican constitution in 1813, known as the "Constitución de Apatzingán." This document established a representative government and outlined the principles for a sovereign Mexican nation.

In summary, Jose Gutierrez de Lara was a strong contributor to Mexican independence due to his participation in key battles, his involvement in the Grito de Dolores, and his contribution to the drafting of the first Mexican constitution. His military leadership, strategic planning, and diplomatic efforts significantly aided the cause of Mexican independence from Spanish colonial rule.