a study of the causes of america revolution of 1776,the french revolution of 1789,and the russian revolution of 1917 bbest supports the generalization that revolution is most likely to occur when

when people are unhappy?

What does your book say?

The royalty is not focusing on the needs of the subjects

To analyze the causes of the American Revolution of 1776, the French Revolution of 1789, and the Russian Revolution of 1917 in order to determine when revolution is most likely to occur, follow these steps:

1. Research the American Revolution:
- Identify the main causes, such as taxation without representation, infringement on individual rights, and grievances against British colonial rule.
- Examine the socio-economic conditions prior to the revolution, including economic inequality and political unrest.
- Consider the influence of Enlightenment ideas on the American colonies, particularly the concepts of natural rights and self-governance.

2. Study the French Revolution:
- Understand the political and social structure of pre-revolutionary France, characterized by absolute monarchy and the rigid social hierarchy.
- Investigate the financial crisis faced by the French government, which led to increased taxation and economic hardships for the lower classes.
- Identify the influence of Enlightenment ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity, as well as the impact of the French Revolution's slogan, "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity."

3. Explore the Russian Revolution:
- Familiarize yourself with the political and social landscape of the Russian Empire under Tsar Nicholas II, marked by autocracy and oppressive policies.
- Examine the economic inequality and hardships faced by the peasants and industrial workers, who experienced low wages, poor working conditions, and food shortages.
- Consider the impact of World War I, which led to significant disillusionment among the Russian population and strained the country's resources.

4. Identify commonalities across the revolutions:
- Look for shared factors such as social inequality, political oppression, economic hardships, and the presence of an authoritarian or ineffective government.
- Consider the influence of enlightenment ideas, nationalist sentiments, and aspirations for liberty and equality.
- Analyze the role of charismatic leaders, influential intellectuals, and organized movements in mobilizing and uniting people for revolutionary change.

Based on these studies, you can conclude that revolutions are most likely to occur when there is a combination of socio-economic discontent, political oppression, and a desire for ideological change. These factors, together with a catalyst event or external pressure, can provoke widespread dissatisfaction and motivate people to rise up against their rulers. It is important to note that each revolution is unique and influenced by specific historical circumstances, but these general patterns can provide insights into revolution as a phenomenon.