Alana has 5 base ten blocks.she has at least one of each type of block.the value of her blocks is greater than 140.what blocks could she have?use an organized list to find the possible answers.


To find the possible answers, we need to organize a list of combinations of base ten blocks that would have a value greater than 140.

Alana has 5 base ten blocks, and we need to ensure that she has at least one of each type of block (ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, and ten thousands). Let's go through the possibilities:

1. Alana has 1 ten thousands block, 1 thousands block, 1 hundreds block, 1 tens block, and 1 ones block.
- The total value of this combination would be 10,000 + 1,000 + 100 + 10 + 1 = 11,111, which is greater than 140.

2. Alana has 2 ten thousands blocks, 1 thousands block, 1 hundreds block, and 1 ones block.
- The total value of this combination would be 20,000 + 1,000 + 100 + 1 = 21,101, which is greater than 140.

3. Alana has 3 ten thousands blocks, 1 thousands block, and 1 ones block.
- The total value of this combination would be 30,000 + 1,000 + 1 = 31,001, which is greater than 140.

4. Alana has 4 ten thousands blocks and 1 ones block.
- The total value of this combination would be 40,000 + 1 = 40,001, which is greater than 140.

Therefore, the possible combinations of base ten blocks Alana could have are:
- 10 thousands, 1 thousands, 1 hundreds, 1 tens, and 1 ones.
- 2 ten thousands, 1 thousands, 1 hundreds, and 1 ones.
- 3 ten thousands, 1 thousands, and 1 ones.
- 4 ten thousands and 1 ones.