how does europe land mass compared with the contaninal of the united states


thanks ms sue

but i dont know if i have to divide it or multiply iy

Just take the figures you see. Europe is a little larger than the U.S.

Europe: 3.931 million mi²

U.S.: 3.797 million mi²

okay... so to find out my answer i have to subtract it and see how bigger it is?

If your teacher wants that, o.k. I'd be satisfied in the way I compared them above.

oh I get it thanks Ms Sue Imma Use your way

You're welcome.

To compare the landmass of Europe with that of the United States, we can use basic geographical information and area measurements. Here's how you can get the answer for yourself:

1. Determine the land area of Europe: To get this information, you can search for the total land area of Europe using reliable sources such as CIA World Factbook, United Nations data, or official government websites. Make sure to look for the total land area, excluding water bodies, of the countries within Europe.

2. Determine the land area of the United States: Similarly, search for the total land area of the United States using the same reliable sources. Again, ensure that you are looking for the land area and not including lakes, rivers, and oceans.

3. Compare the land areas: Once you have obtained the land areas of both Europe and the United States, you can compare the values to determine how they differ. The larger landmass will have a greater area value.

As of my last update, Europe has a land area of around 10.18 million square kilometers (3.93 million square miles), while the United States has a land area of approximately 9.83 million square kilometers (3.80 million square miles). Therefore, Europe has a slightly larger land area compared to the continental United States.

Remember that these numbers might change over time due to ongoing territorial changes and geographical studies. To obtain the most accurate and up-to-date information, it is recommended to refer to authoritative sources.