How did the Embargo Act and the Louisiana Purchase promote Jefferson's goals ???

Pay no attention to Sophya. She has no idea.

I am doing some history work and I found out he wanted to lower the federal budget, and he also bought the Louisiana.

What were his goals? I just read that he wanted to shrink the federal government and its expenses. But I don't see how those to events contribute to those goals.

*two events

How did each of these help Jefferson achieve his goals?

The Embargo Act and the Louisiana Purchase were two key events during President Thomas Jefferson's administration that helped promote his goals for the United States. Let's examine each of these events and understand how they contributed to Jefferson's objectives.

1. Embargo Act:
The Embargo Act of 1807 was a law passed by Congress under Jefferson's administration. The act banned all international trade with foreign nations, essentially shutting down American ports to foreign trade. While the act itself was highly controversial and had negative consequences for American merchants and the economy, it had certain intentions aligned with Jefferson's goals:

a) Preserve U.S. Neutrality: Jefferson wanted to avoid getting dragged into the global conflicts between Britain and France during the Napoleonic Wars. By using the Embargo Act, he hoped to pressure both nations into respecting American neutrality and avoid getting entangled in their conflicts.

b) Protect American Maritime Interests: Jefferson aimed to protect American sailors and merchants from impressment, a practice where British officials forcefully drafted American sailors into the British navy. By blocking international trade, he intended to hurt British and French economies, influencing them to respect American maritime rights.

2. Louisiana Purchase:
The Louisiana Purchase was a monumental event in which the United States acquired a vast territory from France in 1803. Jefferson played a crucial role in negotiating the purchase. This acquisition had several implications that aligned with Jefferson's goals:

a) Agrarian Vision and Westward Expansion: Jefferson believed in an agrarian society, where small farmers were the backbone of the nation. The Louisiana Purchase provided abundant land for westward expansion, allowing the growth of agrarian settlements and supporting his vision of a decentralized society with independent farmers.

b) Securing the Mississippi River: Control of the Mississippi River was vital for American trade, particularly for the farmers in the newly acquired western territories. By acquiring the Louisiana Territory, the United States gained control over the entire Mississippi River and ensured the free flow of goods and commerce.

c) Protecting National Security: The Louisiana Territory also served as a buffer zone, separating the United States from European powers and potential conflicts. Acquiring this vast region prevented foreign powers from establishing bases close to American borders and enhanced national security.

In summary, the Embargo Act, despite its shortcomings, aimed to preserve U.S. neutrality and protect American maritime interests. The Louisiana Purchase fulfilled Jefferson's goals of westward expansion, securing access to the Mississippi River, and ensuring national security. While these actions had mixed outcomes, they were instrumental in promoting Jefferson's objectives for the United States.

One of his goal that he wanted to bring the price down the one goal and at a time the govenrment was to big that it was so much taxes people had to do that is the other goal