Carmela works at a department store and earns $10.45 per hour. She has $33 removed from every paycheck for medical insurance. If her goal is to earn a gross income of $468.60 in one week, which equation will help Carmela determine the number of hours (h) she must work?

My answer is $468.60=$1045(h) +$33

$468.60=$10.45(h) - $33

To determine the number of hours Carmela must work to reach her goal gross income of $468.60, we can set up an equation.

Let's break down the information given:
- Carmela earns $10.45 per hour.
- $33 is deducted from every paycheck for medical insurance.

To find the gross income, we need to subtract the amount deducted from her hourly rate:
Gross Income = Hourly Rate × Hours Worked - Deductions

Let's substitute the values into the equation:
$468.60 = $10.45h - $33

Simplifying the equation, we have:
$468.60 + $33 = $10.45h

Combining like terms, we find:
$501.60 = $10.45h

Therefore, the equation that will help Carmela determine the number of hours she must work is:
$501.60 = $10.45h