Complete the sentences. My answers are with capital

• you will stop
• Will you try
• I will make
• If you start listening
• you’ll have to
• If you have
• Will you be

1. WILL YOU BE honest and tell me how you feel about it?

2. I WILL MAKE a commitment to helping you make changes you want to make.

3. IF YOU HAVE no experience in making changes, 4. yOU’ LL HAVE TO rely on others to help you.

5. IF YOU START LISTENING more closely to what you say, then perhaps 6. YOU WILL STOP offending people.

7. WILL YOU TRY doing one positive thing a day for the first week and see how that goes?

Yay! Excellent answers!

1. WILL YOU BE honest and tell me how you feel about it?

To complete the sentence, we are using the future tense of the verb "to be". The sentence is asking someone about their current state of honesty. The answer is "honest", which means being truthful and sincere.

2. I WILL MAKE a commitment to helping you make changes you want to make.

To complete the sentence, we are using the future tense of the verb "to make". The sentence is stating the speaker's intention to commit to providing assistance for the changes the other person wants to make.

3. IF YOU HAVE no experience in making changes, you'll have to rely on others to help you.

To complete the sentence, we are using the conditional clause "if" followed by the present tense of the verb "to have" and the phrase "no experience in making changes". This conditional clause is suggesting a hypothetical situation in which the person has no experience. The sentence then states the consequence of that hypothetical situation, which is that the person will need to depend on others for assistance.

4. YOU'LL HAVE TO rely on others to help you.

To complete the sentence, we are using the future tense of the phrase "will have to" followed by the verb "rely" and the phrase "on others to help you". This sentence is emphasizing the action of depending on others for assistance.

5. IF YOU START LISTENING more closely to what you say, then perhaps YOU WILL STOP offending people.

To complete the sentence, we are using the conditional clause "if" followed by the present tense of the verb "to start" and the phrase "listening more closely to what you say". This conditional clause is suggesting a hypothetical situation in which the person starts listening more closely. The sentence then states the possible consequence of that hypothetical situation, which is that the person may stop offending people.

6. YOU WILL STOP offending people.

To complete the sentence, we are using the future tense of the verb "to stop" and the phrase "offending people". This sentence is stating the outcome of the hypothetical situation described in the previous sentence, which is that the person will no longer offend others.

7. WILL YOU TRY doing one positive thing a day for the first week and see how that goes?

To complete the sentence, we are using the future tense of the verb "to try" and the phrase "doing one positive thing a day for the first week and see how that goes". The sentence is asking someone if they are willing to attempt the action of doing one positive thing each day for the first week and observe the outcome.