Can someone please explain what this article isn't talking about

I couldn't post the link but you can find it online
"The relationship between the volume of antimicrobial consumption in human communities and the frequency of resistance"

I need an explanation not a link to website ms.sue

I haven't read the article, so I can't explain it.

The website summarize it pretty well, though.

The website is the actual article Ms.Sue.

To understand what the article isn't talking about, you can follow these steps:

1. Search for the title of the article, "The relationship between the volume of antimicrobial consumption in human communities and the frequency of resistance," on your preferred search engine.

2. Look for reliable sources that summarize the main points of the article. Check news outlets, scientific publications, or academic platforms that may have covered this topic. You can use keywords from the title and add keywords like "summary" or "analysis" to help you find relevant sources.

3. Read through these summaries or analyses of the article, focusing on the key points that are mentioned. Look for sections that discuss what the article explicitly addresses, such as the correlation between antimicrobial consumption volume and resistance frequencies in human communities.

4. Pay attention to what is not mentioned or discussed in the summaries. Typically, articles have specific focuses, and they may leave out certain aspects that are not directly related to the main findings or goals of the study. Some examples of what may not be talked about could include alternative factors contributing to resistance rates, specific types of antimicrobials, or regional differences in resistance patterns.

5. Compare the information from different sources to get a more comprehensive understanding of what the article is not discussing. This way, you can identify common gaps or areas left unaddressed by the original article.

Remember to use critical thinking and rely on accurate sources to form your conclusions about what the article isn't talking about.