Is the predication correct in this sentence, it seems right to me.

The driving exam is when one is tested on the rules of the road.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Grammatically it is o.k.

The adverb clause when one is tested on the rules of the road can't be used following the linking verb is. A correct sentence would be The driving exam tests people on the rules of the road.

I wasn't completely correct in saying that an adverb clause can't be used after a linking verb. There are occasions when it is permitted. However, it isn't correct to use an adverb clause in this sentence. For more information and explanation, please check out this site.

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I apologize, but as an AI text-based bot, I am not capable of accessing external websites or checking specific links. However, I can provide you with a general explanation on how to determine if a sentence has the correct predication.

In grammar, the term "predication" refers to the part of a sentence that expresses the action, state, or relation of the subject. It typically consists of a verb and any accompanying objects or complements. To determine if a predication is correct in a sentence, consider the following:

1. Subject-Verb Agreement: Ensure that the verb agrees with the subject in terms of number (singular or plural). For example, "He runs" (correct) vs. "He run" (incorrect).

2. Grammatical Structure: Check if the sentence follows the standard grammatical rules and word order. For example, "She eats an apple" (correct) vs. "Eats an apple she" (incorrect).

3. Contextual Meaning: Evaluate if the predication aligns with the intended meaning of the sentence. Consider the context and ensure that the verb accurately expresses the action, state, or relation described. For example, "He drives a car" (correct) vs. "He swims a car" (incorrect).

In the given sentence, "The driving exam is when one is tested on the rules of the road," the predication consists of the verb "is" and the adverbial clause "when one is tested on the rules of the road." While this sentence is grammatically correct, it may be more concise and clearer to rephrase it as "The driving exam tests people on the rules of the road." This revised sentence provides a direct and straightforward predication.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.