Who was responsible for writing the amendments that later became the bill of rights??

A) George Washington**
B) Patrick Henry
C) George Mason
B) James Madison
I think it's A, but I'm not sure, it would mean the world if someone could please check my answers

Ms.sue really sucks

ah, hummm

and yes it is Madison. Do you know why?

No, not A.


No, why?

8/2(2+2) find the correct answer

hey yall

The correct answer is D) James Madison. James Madison, who later became the fourth President of the United States, was responsible for writing the amendments that later became the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, which were added in 1791. It is important to note that George Washington, the first President of the United States, did play a significant role in the establishment of the United States Constitution but was not directly responsible for writing the amendments that became the Bill of Rights.

I deleted your 15 or 20 answers that you posted without questions. That is cheating and is against Jiskha's rules.

I was calling you because of the stuff I am glad you deleted :)