I need to know what are the top five causes of traffic deaths for Germany and China

To determine the top five causes of traffic deaths in Germany and China, we will need to gather data from reliable sources. One such source is the World Health Organization (WHO), which compiles statistics on global road traffic fatalities.

Here's how you can find the information:

1. Start by going to the WHO website (www.who.int) and navigate to their section on road traffic safety or injury prevention. Look for the latest available reports or publications related to traffic deaths in Germany and China.

2. Within these reports, you will find detailed information on the causes of traffic deaths. Look for sections or chapters that discuss specific causes, often categorized by factors such as speeding, drunk driving, distracted driving, non-use of seat belts, etc.

3. It is important to note that reporting methods and classifications may vary between countries, making direct comparisons challenging. However, the WHO's data provides a useful indicator of the main causes of traffic fatalities.

4. Look for key statistics or tables that present information on the number of fatalities attributed to each cause. Identify the causes that appear most frequently or have the highest fatality rates.

5. Once you have gathered data on the causes of traffic deaths in both Germany and China, rank them in order of significance to determine the top five causes in each country.

Remember, it's always essential to rely on reputable sources such as government reports, international organizations, or academic studies when dealing with such sensitive information.