The scale of a die cast model car is 4:13.If the real car has a length of 177 inches and a height of 59 inches.How tall is the die cast model?

(4/13) / (x/59)

Cross multiply and solve for x.

I don’t get it

(4/13) / (x/59)

13x = 4 * 59
13x = 236
x = 18.15 inches

Alice, did you realize that the length of 177 inches is bogus information ?

The key words are "height of 59 inches" and " how tall"

To find the height of the die-cast model car, we can use the scale provided and the measurements of the real car.

First, let's calculate the conversion factor between the real car and the model car. Since the scale is given as a ratio of 4:13, we can set up a proportion:

Real car height / Real car length = Model car height / Model car length

Plugging in the values given:

59 inches / 177 inches = Model car height / Model car length

Now, let's solve for the model car height:

Model car height = (59 inches / 177 inches) * Model car length

Since we don't have the length of the model car, we won't be able to calculate the exact height of the model car. However, we can use this equation to find the height of the model car if we have its length.