A Ferris wheel is drawn on a coordinate plane so that the first car is located at the point ​(40,0). What are the coordinates of the first car after a rotation of 270 degrees counterclockwise about the​ origin?

Steve is a no help sceezer

To Amber: Agreed. I came here looking for cheats, not actual work

To find the coordinates of the first car after a rotation of 270 degrees counterclockwise about the origin, we can use the rotation matrix. The rotation matrix for a counterclockwise rotation of angle θ about the origin is:

[ cos(θ) -sin(θ) ]
[ sin(θ) cos(θ) ]

In this case, θ is 270 degrees. So, substituting the values, we get:

[ cos(270°) -sin(270°) ]
[ sin(270°) cos(270°) ]

Now, let's calculate the cosine and sine of 270 degrees:

cos(270°) = 0
sin(270°) = -1

Now, substitute these values into the rotation matrix:

[ 0 -(-1) ]
[ -1 0 ]

Simplifying, we get the rotation matrix:

[ 0 1 ]
[ -1 0 ]

To find the new coordinates of the point (40,0) after rotation, we multiply the rotation matrix by the original point:

[ 0 1 ] [ 40 ]
[ -1 0 ] * [ 0 ]

Performing the matrix multiplication, we get:

[ 1*40 + 0*0 ]
[ 0*40 + (-1)*0 ]

Simplifying further:

[ 40 ]
[ 0 ]

Therefore, the new coordinates of the first car after a rotation of 270 degrees counterclockwise about the origin are (40, 0).

Plot the point. Rotate it 1/4 turn to the right. Or, just put a pencil down with its point at (0,0) and rotate it 1/4 turn to the right. Should be clear where the eraser ends up.