Part A: For what real values of c is x^2 + 16x + c the square of a binomial? If you find more than one, then list your values separated by commas.

Part B: For what real values of a is x^2 + ax + 25 the square of a binomial? If you find more than one, then list your values in increasing order, separated by commas.

Part C:For what real values of c is 9x^2 + 16x + c the square of a binomial? If you find more than one, then list your values in increasing order, separated by commas.

Thanks for helping!


2 b = 16
b = 8
(x+8)(x+8)=x^2+16 x + 64

same deal,

a = 10 or -10

(9)(x^2+16/9 x + c/9)

Part A: To determine the values of c for which x^2 + 16x + c is the square of a binomial, we can use the concept of completing the square. For a quadratic expression to be a perfect square trinomial, the coefficient of the linear term (16x in this case) must be twice the product of the square root of the constant term (c) and the coefficient of x (which is 1 in this case).

Let's express this algebraically:

16x = 2 * √c * 1

Simplifying further:

8x = √c

Squaring both sides to eliminate the square root:

(8x)^2 = (√c)^2

64x^2 = c

Therefore, c = 64x^2.

Since c can take any real value, we can express the valid values as c = 64x^2, where x can be any real number. This implies that for any real value of c, x^2 + 16x + c is the square of a binomial.

Part B: Similarly, for x^2 + ax + 25 to be the square of a binomial, the coefficient of the linear term (ax) must be twice the product of the square root of the constant term (25) and the coefficient of x (which is 1 in this case).

Expressing this algebraically:

ax = 2 * √25 * 1

Simplifying further:

ax = 10

Therefore, a = 10/x.

Since x can take any real value, a can also take any real value. We can express this as a = 10/x, where x can be any real number. This implies that for any real value of a, x^2 + ax + 25 is the square of a binomial.

Part C: To find the values of c for which 9x^2 + 16x + c is the square of a binomial, we can follow similar steps as in Part A. However, this time we have a coefficient of 9 in front of the x^2 term.

We need the coefficient of the linear term (16x) to be twice the product of the square root of the constant term (c) and the square root of the coefficient of x^2 (which is 3 in this case).

Expressing this algebraically:

16x = 2 * √c * √9

Simplifying further:

16x = 6√c

Dividing both sides by 2:

8x = 3√c

Squaring both sides to eliminate the square root:

(8x)^2 = (3√c)^2

64x^2 = 9c

Therefore, c = 64x^2/9.

Since c can take any real value, we can express the valid values as c = 64x^2/9, where x can be any real number. This implies that for any real value of c, 9x^2 + 16x + c is the square of a binomial.