Write a let statement Debra has $67 in loonies and toonies. If there are 45 coins in total, how many loonies are there


loonie - A $1 Canadian coin, showing a loon
toonie - A $2 Canadian coin

l+t = 45 ---> l = 45-t

1(45-t) + 2t = 67

45 - t + 2t = 67


I dont get it

To find out how many loonies there are, we can use the given information.

Let's assume the number of loonies as L and the number of toonies as T.

From the information given in the question, we know that Debra has a total of 45 coins.

So, we can express this in an equation: L + T = 45

Also, we know that the total value of the coins, which is $67, can be represented as follows:

1 dollar (value of each loonie) multiplied by the number of loonies (L) +
2 dollars (value of each toonie) multiplied by the number of toonies (T) = $67

This can be written again as an equation: L + 2T = 67

Now we have a system of two equations with two variables:

Equation 1: L + T = 45
Equation 2: L + 2T = 67

We can solve this system of equations to find the value of L, which represents the number of loonies.

To determine how many loonies there are, we first need to understand the given information.

We know that Debra has a total of 45 coins in loonies and toonies. Let's make "x" represent the number of loonies she has. Since we are given that there are 45 coins in total, we can represent the number of toonies as (45 - x).

Next, we know the value of both loonies and toonies. A loonie is worth $1, and a toonie is worth $2. So, the value of the loonies in dollars is x, and the value of the toonies in dollars is 2(45 - x).

Finally, we are given that Debra has a total of $67. So, we can set up the equation:

Value of loonies + Value of toonies = Total value
x + 2(45 - x) = 67

Simplifying the equation:

x + 90 - 2x = 67
90 - 67 = 2x - x
23 = x

Therefore, there are 23 loonies in Debra's total of 45 coins.