Corinne was driving erratically and the police stopped her. The officer immediately asked Corinne to take a sobriety test because of the..

teenage driving law.
implied consent law.National Highway Safety Act.
National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act.

The officer immediately asked Corinne to take a sobriety test because of the implied consent law.

The implied consent law is the reason why the officer immediately asked Corinne to take a sobriety test. The implied consent law is a legal concept that states that by obtaining a driver's license, individuals have given their implied consent to submit to a chemical test (such as a breathalyzer or blood test) if suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This law varies in its specifics across different jurisdictions, but the general idea is that driving is a privilege and individuals must comply with certain requirements, including sobriety testing, in order to maintain that privilege.

To determine this answer, you would need to have knowledge of the implied consent law and how it applies in the given jurisdiction. The implied consent law can typically be found in a state's motor vehicle code or traffic laws. Reviewing these laws can provide the necessary information on the requirements for sobriety testing when suspected of driving under the influence. Additionally, consulting legal resources or experts can help clarify the specific details and implications of the implied consent law in a particular jurisdiction.

I just saw this today... It was 5 years ago... jeeeeezzz... wow. the answer is National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act. or D

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