can someone give me an example of an ancient civilization who created government and laws during the agricultural revolution.

Type of Government: Mesopotamia was ruled by kings.  The kings only ruled a single city though, rather than the entire civilization.  For example, the city of Babylon was ruled by King Hammurabi.  Each king and city designed the rules and systems that they thought would be most beneficial for their people. 

is it that one


ok thank you

You're welcome.

Certainly! An ancient civilization that created a sophisticated government and laws during the agricultural revolution is Ancient Egypt. The civilization of Ancient Egypt emerged around 3100 BCE and lasted for several millennia. They developed a complex society with a centralized government and a well-defined legal system.

To find this information, you can begin by searching for "ancient civilizations during the agricultural revolution." This will provide you with a list of various civilizations that thrived during this period. From there, you can do a more specific search, such as "government and laws of Ancient Egypt," to gather in-depth information about this particular civilization. Reliable sources such as research papers, academic websites, or books will help you find detailed and accurate information about Ancient Egypt's government and legal system.