I have been working on a paper for a week, the first day we found out. and It is due tommorrow. I have check and rewritten entire paragraphs because I didn't think that they made sense. I have worked countless hours and finnaly handed it into my teacher for a final revision before it is due tommorrow. She crossed out numerous paragraph and in one instanse put a HUGE NO!!! through a paragraph with no explanation. When she handed it back she rolled her eyes and told me i needed to work on the focus of my paper. Any tips on how to focus better?

what is the paper on? and is what kinda of essay is it?

A paper explaining the Satire of Religion in Huckleberry Finn.

any suggestions

Without seeing what you already have that she doesn't like, it's impossible to help.

Post what you have, and let us know what comments she made.

well i could tell you if you told me what type of essay it is ?

like if it is an argumentative essay, you need to start of with a topic sentence right ? and then put your arguments in order from most least important to most important .

I'm sorry thank you for the help any way but its a 7 page paper and its almost compleatly marked in red pen. I must get off the computer now because of lightning sorry but thank you anyway

I'm sorry to hear about your experience with your paper. Focusing on your writing can be challenging, but there are several tips that can help you improve your focus. Here's what you can do:

1. Understand the objective: Make sure you have a clear understanding of the purpose and objective of your paper. What message or argument are you trying to convey? This will help you maintain a central focus throughout your writing.

2. Create an outline: Before you start writing, create an outline that breaks down your main points and supporting arguments. This will provide structure and guide your writing process, keeping you on track.

3. Eliminate distractions: Find a quiet and comfortable environment to work in. Minimize distractions such as notifications on your phone or computer, noise from the surroundings, or any other disturbances that might divert your attention.

4. Set specific goals and deadlines: Break your writing process into manageable tasks, and set specific goals for each writing session. Make sure to allocate enough time for revising and editing at the end. Setting deadlines will help you stay focused and motivated.

5. Take breaks: Avoid working for long hours without breaks, as it can negatively impact your concentration. Instead, take short breaks every hour or so to recharge your mind and maintain your focus.

6. Seek feedback and revise: It's essential to get input from others, such as your teacher or peers, throughout the writing process. Their perspectives can help you identify areas where you might be losing focus and guide you towards improvements.

Remember, focusing on your paper is a skill that can be developed with practice and persistence. By implementing these tips and honing your writing techniques, you can enhance your focus and create a more coherent and compelling paper.