In forty seven ronin what is the author's message?

It probably depends on which version of the story you read, there are many versions. The version I know has a message: Life is complicated if you want to end up on the winning side.

To determine the author's message in the book "Forty Seven Ronin," you should first read the book and analyze its themes, characters, and plot elements. Understanding the author's message requires an interpretation based on your own reading and analysis. However, I can provide you with some guidance on how to identify the author's message:

1. Read the book: Start by reading the book carefully to grasp its storyline, events, and characters. Take note of any recurring themes or ideas that the author presents throughout the narrative.

2. Identify the themes: Look for common themes or moral lessons that the author explores in the book. Themes could include loyalty, honor, revenge, justice, or the importance of duty.

3. Analyze the characters: Pay close attention to the characters' motivations, actions, and development throughout the story. Consider how they reflect the themes and ideas presented by the author.

4. Consider the historical context: "Forty Seven Ronin" is based on a true story from feudal Japan. Understanding the historical context can provide insights into the author's intentions and the message they may be conveying about that period.

5. Reflect on the plot structure: Analyze the events, conflicts, and resolution of the story. Think about how the author uses these elements to convey their message or moral lesson.

6. Interpretation: Based on your analysis of the book, form your own interpretation of the author's message. Consider how the author uses the characters and themes to convey a deeper meaning or lesson to the readers.

Remember, literary analysis often involves different interpretations, and each reader may interpret the author's message differently. It is essential to support your interpretation with evidence from the text.