Most presidential caucuses differ from Statewide presidential primaries in all of the following ways EXCEPT the

number of States that hold caucuses.
ways in which delegates to the national convention are chosen.
main purpose for which the delegates are chosen.
number of steps taken in choosing delegates to the national convention.

number if states that hold caucuses

Which answer do you think is correct? We'll be happy to check your answer.

main purpose for which the delegates are chosen.

The correct answer is: the number of States that hold caucuses.

To determine this, we need to compare presidential caucuses and statewide presidential primaries in different aspects:

1. Number of States: Both caucuses and primaries can be held in various states, so the number of states that hold caucuses is not the exception.

2. Ways in which delegates to the national convention are chosen: Caucuses and primaries differ in how delegates are chosen. Caucuses involve supporters gathering at designated locations to openly show their support for a particular candidate, while primaries involve voters casting secret ballots.

3. Main purpose for which the delegates are chosen: The purpose is the same for both caucuses and primaries, which is to select delegates who will represent and vote for a specific candidate at the national convention.

4. Number of steps taken in choosing delegates to the national convention: Both caucuses and primaries involve multiple steps in selecting delegates. The specific process may vary, but they generally include selecting local delegates, county delegates, state delegates, and finally national convention delegates.

Therefore, the only option that doesn't differ between presidential caucuses and statewide presidential primaries is the number of States that hold caucuses.