1. What file is being called by this IMG tag? (1 point)

answer= SRC
2. What type of link is used to call this file? (1 point)
answer=need help with this one 3. If the user loads this graphic in a text-only browser how will the browser describe it? (1 point)
answer= i need help with this one
4. How many pixels high is the image? (1 point)
Answer= 300


2. Absolute path
3. The name is in the citation of the link for example “Me and my family.”
4. 300


absolute path
"picture of me and my dog"

To get the answer to question 1, you need to look for the "IMG" tag in the HTML code. The "src" attribute within the IMG tag specifies the file that is being called. For example, if the IMG tag looks like this:

<img src="image.jpg">

Then the file that is being called is "image.jpg".

To answer question 2, you need to determine the type of link that is being used to call the file. Without specific information or context, it is difficult to determine the type of link. Common types of links used to call files in an IMG tag are "http://" for images hosted on a website, "file://" for local files, or "data:" for inline images. More details would be needed to provide a specific answer.

For question 3, if the user loads the graphic in a text-only browser, the browser will typically display the alt text for the image, if it is provided. The alt text is specified using the "alt" attribute within the IMG tag. For example:

<img src="image.jpg" alt="Description of the image">

If the alt text is not provided, the browser may display a default placeholder text or simply ignore the image.

To answer question 4, you would need to access the image file itself or refer to the HTML code where the image is displayed. Within the IMG tag, there is no direct attribute specifying the height. However, you can inspect the image file properties or use a tool like a web inspector to determine the height of the image in pixels.

it wont let me put the HTML code in

SRC is wrong it is jpeg or photo

What is "this file" and "this graphic" and "the image"?