"That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men... Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it..."

Which of the following historical persons would have been most likely to agree with the sentiment expressed in the selection from the Declaration of Independence above?

• John Winthrop
• Roger Williams****
• John Plantagenet


is he right?

To determine which of the historical persons would have been most likely to agree with the sentiment expressed in the selection from the Declaration of Independence, we need to understand the context and beliefs of each individual.

1. John Winthrop: John Winthrop was an English Puritan lawyer and one of the leading figures of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. While he was a proponent of limited government and believed in the rule of law, his ideas were more aligned with the concept of a theocratic government based on religious principles. Therefore, it is less likely that he would agree with the sentiment expressed in the selection.

2. Roger Williams: Roger Williams was a theologian, religious leader, and the founder of Rhode Island. He strongly advocated for the separation of church and state and believed in individual freedom of conscience. He argued against the idea of a state religion and emphasized the importance of the rights of individuals. Given his emphasis on individual rights and freedom, it is most likely that Roger Williams would agree with the sentiment expressed in the selection.

3. John Plantagenet: John Plantagenet, also known as John Lackland, was the King of England during the early 13th century. Although known for his struggles with the English barons and the signing of the Magna Carta, which limited his powers, the sentiment expressed in the selection leans more towards the side of democratic principles and individual rights. It is unlikely that John Plantagenet, as a monarch, would have agreed with the sentiment against absolute government authority.

Therefore, based on their beliefs and historical context, Roger Williams would be the most likely person to agree with the sentiment expressed in the selection from the Declaration of Independence.