A baker uses 3/5 of a bag of flour to make 6 muffins. How many bags of flour will he need to make 48 muffins?

Which works out at 4.8 bags?

That is correct.

Thank you!

7 2/5


To find the number of bags of flour needed to make 48 muffins, we can use a proportion to compare the amount of flour used for 6 muffins with the amount needed for 48 muffins.

The given information states that 3/5 of a bag of flour is used to make 6 muffins.

So, to find the amount of flour needed for 48 muffins, we can set up a proportion:

(3/5) bag of flour / 6 muffins = x bags of flour / 48 muffins

To solve this proportion for x (the number of bags of flour needed for 48 muffins), we can cross-multiply and then solve for x.

(3/5) * 48 muffins = 6 muffins * x bags of flour

144 / 5 muffins = 6x

Now, we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 6:

(144 / 5) / 6 = x

28.8 / 6 = x

x ≈ 4.8

Since it is not possible to have a fraction of a bag of flour, we round up the answer to the nearest whole number.

Therefore, the baker will need approximately 5 bags of flour to make 48 muffins.

48 = 8*6, so 8 times as much flour.

8 * 3/5 = ?