You purchased a pair of shoes on sale for $46.75. The original price was marked as $55.00. Find what by percentage the shoes were reduced (ignoring tax).

46.75 = x (55)

x = .85
so 100 - 85 = 15% reduction

(55 - 46.75) / 55 = _______

Multiply the decimal answer by 100 to find the percent.


To find the percentage by which the shoes were reduced, we need to calculate the difference between the original price and the sale price, and then express it as a percentage of the original price.

Step 1: Calculate the difference
Difference = Original price - Sale price
Difference = $55.00 - $46.75 = $8.25

Step 2: Find the percentage
Percentage reduction = (Difference / Original price) * 100
Percentage reduction = ($8.25 / $55.00) * 100 ≈ 15%

Therefore, the shoes were reduced by approximately 15%.