Translate the sentence into an inequality. Ten times the sum of a number and 27 is at least 26.

The sum of a number times 2 and 23 is less than or equal to −20

the sum of a number times 10 and 27 is at least -16 write it into an inequality

The sum of a number times 4 and 16 is at least -21


The sum of a number times 10 and 28 is at least 27

To translate the given sentence into an inequality, let's follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the unknown value or variable in the sentence. In this case, the unknown number can be represented by the variable "x."

Step 2: Translate the words into mathematical terms. The sentence states "Ten times the sum of a number and 27 is at least 26."

The phrase "Ten times the sum of a number and 27" can be expressed as "10(x + 27)."

Step 3: Determine the inequality sign based on the word "at least." Since "at least" means the solution must be greater than or equal to, the inequality sign we will use is "≥" (greater than or equal to).

Step 4: Write the inequality equation:

10(x + 27) ≥ 26

This is the translated inequality that represents the given sentence.

10(x+27) ≥ 26

The sum of a number times 9 and 26 is at least -18