The cost of a long distance call is $0.31 for the 1st minute and $0.24 for each additional

minute. How long can you talk without spending more than $5? (Write and solve an

0.31 + 0.24m ≤ 5

To figure out how long you can talk without spending more than $5, we need to set up an equation using the given information.

Let's say 'x' represents the number of additional minutes after the first minute. The cost of the call will then be:

Cost = $0.31 (for the first minute) + $0.24 * x (for each additional minute)

We want to find the maximum value of 'x' such that the total cost is still less than or equal to $5. So our equation is:

0.31 + 0.24x ≤ 5

To solve this equation, we can eliminate the decimal points by multiplying each term by 100:

31 + 24x ≤ 500

Now, let's isolate 'x' by subtracting 31 from both sides:

24x ≤ 500 - 31
24x ≤ 469

Finally, divide both sides by 24 to solve for 'x':

x ≤ 469 / 24

Using long division, we find that 469 divided by 24 equals approximately 19.54.

Therefore, you can talk for a maximum of 19 additional minutes (or a total of 20 minutes) without spending more than $5.