Can you please check my grammar on these four replies?

1) What have you done today before studying Spanish?
Antes de estudiar español hoy, me desperté, me duché y desayuné.

2) What would you do with 1 million dollars?
Con $1M, viajaría y ayudaría a los pobres.

3) What would be your ideal occupation and why?
Mi ocupación ideal es ser una psicóloga porque me gusta entender cómo funciona la mente.

4) How would you spend your last day of life?
Pasaría mi último día de vida con mi marido y mis hijos en Disneyland.

I'll send this to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGin.

Well done with 2 tiny corrections.

3. a non-modified profession stands alone = es ser psicóloga
4. Disneylandia


Muchas Gracias!!

1) What have you done today before studying Spanish?

Before studying Spanish today, I woke up, showered, and had breakfast.
(Sentence looks correct grammatically. Well done!)

2) What would you do with 1 million dollars?
With $1M, I would travel and help the poor.
(Sentence looks correct grammatically. Well done!)

3) What would be your ideal occupation and why?
My ideal occupation is to be a psychologist because I enjoy understanding how the mind works.
(Sentence looks correct grammatically. Well done!)

4) How would you spend your last day of life?
I would spend my last day of life with my husband and children at Disneyland.
(Sentence looks correct grammatically. Well done!)

Your grammar in all four replies is correct. Great job! If you're unsure about certain grammar rules or structures, you can always double-check by referring to grammar books or websites. It's important to continuously practice and refine your grammar skills to improve your overall proficiency in the language. Keep up the good work!