Since Canada’s labor force growth is made up of 70% immigrants and is projected to rise to 100%, you might best speculate that Canada’s government has a(n) ______________ policy.

A. anti-immigration
B. pro immigration
C. Constitutional **
D. democratic

The statistics in your problem are wrong. I'm sure that 70% of Canada's labor force are not immigrants, nor will they ever rise to 100 %.

And, even though the statistics are wrong (Ms. Sue is correct), what does that have to do with a constitutional form of government?

It asks this on my quiz.

I just did it. It said it's pro-immigration


To answer this question, we need to understand the given information about Canada's labor force growth being comprised of immigrants and projected to rise to 100%. This information implies that Canada's government has a certain policy related to immigration.

The options provided are:
A. anti-immigration
B. pro-immigration
C. Constitutional
D. democratic

Based on the given information, the most accurate speculation regarding Canada's government policy would be option B: pro-immigration. This is because a labor force made up of a majority of immigrants and the projection of further growth in their numbers suggests that Canada's government is likely to have policies that support and encourage immigration.

To arrive at this conclusion, it is important to consider demographics, labor market demands, and the government's stance on immigration. Additionally, reviewing official government statements and policies related to immigration would provide more concrete evidence regarding Canada's immigration approach.

I'd refuse to answer it because of the massive error.