1. A painter earns $15 per hour. What is the minimum number of hours he must work to earn at least $200? Write an inequality to represent this situation and solve.

So you know that he earns $15 per hour so we can write that as 15h, h = # of hours worked
We also know he has to earn AT LEAST $200, so putting all this together we form the inequality(=< means less than or equal to): 15h =< 200
so now we have to solve for h (number of hours worked):
15h =< 200
(divide both sides by 15)
h =< 13 1/3
So, the painter must work a minimum of 13 and 1/3 hours to earn at least $200.

Didn't you want to make at least $200 ?

So it should be

15h ≥ 200
h ≥ 40/3 , not less than like you had

However, your conclusion that the painter must work a minimum of 13 and 1/3 hours to earn at least $200, is correct


Wow the first response really helped me thanks 😊

dude its just theoretical


I did this by myself but I want people to understand this is what my teacher said the answer

"Close! Take into consideration the words, “number of hours he must work to earn at least $200” to write the inequality. 15h ≥ 200"

The actual Answer is 14 hours. The question asks, "What is the MINIMUM number of HOURS?". If 13.333 were rounded down to 13 and 13 times 15 doesn't equal 200. So, you must round up, 14 hours times 15 will give you a minimum of 200 dollars. And yes this is correct.

Additionally, 13.33 is not correct seeing as 1/3 of an hour is not a full hour. Do not fret, even Brainly had this wrong.

actually lemon boy it says 13 1/3

to put it simply it like 200 divided by 15 = 13 1/3

Uh it says $15 per HOUR, if he works 1/3 hour he wouldn't get anything??? So that's wrong