Mr waheed is paid Rs.4420 for a total normal working hours of 170 hours in a month. He is paid twice the rate per hour for overtime work. Mr waheed received Rs.6500 as salary last month. how many hours of overtime did he work?

4420/170 is the normal hourly rate.

If there were x overtime hours, then

4420/170 * (170+2x) = 6500
x = 40

To find out how many hours of overtime Mr. Waheed worked, we first need to determine his normal salary for working 170 hours.

The normal salary can be found using the formula:
Normal Salary = Rate per hour x Total Normal Working Hours

Given that Mr. Waheed's normal working hours were 170 hours and he was paid Rs. 4420, we can rearrange the formula to find the rate per hour:
Rate per hour = Normal Salary / Total Normal Working Hours

Substituting the values, we have:
Rate per hour = 4420 / 170

Now we have the rate per hour, let's calculate the normal salary for working 170 hours:
Normal Salary = Rate per hour x Total Normal Working Hours
Normal Salary = (4420 / 170) x 170

Since Mr. Waheed's total salary for the month was Rs. 6500, we can subtract the normal salary from the total salary to find the amount earned from overtime:
Overtime Salary = Total Salary - Normal Salary
Overtime Salary = 6500 - (4420 / 170) x 170

To calculate the number of overtime hours worked, we need to divide the overtime salary by the double rate per hour:
Overtime Hours = Overtime Salary / (2 x Rate per hour)

Finally, we can substitute the values and solve:
Overtime Hours = (6500 - (4420 / 170) x 170) / (2 x (4420 / 170))

Calculating this expression will give us the number of overtime hours Mr. Waheed worked.