peter is 10 years old . he is 4 years younger than his brother , raymond . Find the ratio raymond's age to peter' s age .




To find the ratio of Raymond's age to Peter's age, we first need to determine Raymond's age. We know that Peter is 10 years old and that he is 4 years younger than Raymond.

Therefore, we can calculate Raymond's age by adding 4 years to Peter's age:

Raymond's age = Peter's age + 4 years
Raymond's age = 10 years + 4 years
Raymond's age = 14 years

Now that we know Raymond's age (14 years) and Peter's age (10 years), we can calculate the ratio of Raymond's age to Peter's age:

Ratio = Raymond's age / Peter's age
Ratio = 14 years / 10 years
Ratio = 1.4

So, the ratio of Raymond's age to Peter's age is 1.4.