A number rounded to the nearest 10 is 830. Find the greatest possible number.

What is the least whole number that rounds to 830round to the nearest 10

To find the greatest possible number, we need to consider the number 830 rounded to the nearest 10.

Rounding 830 to the nearest 10 means that we need to look at the digit in the ones place, which is 0.

Since 0 is less than 5, we round down. So, the nearest 10 to 830 is 830 itself.

Therefore, the greatest possible number is 830.

To find the greatest possible number rounded to the nearest 10 that gives a result of 830, we need to determine the range of numbers that could round to 830.

When a number is rounded to the nearest 10, it means that we are looking for the closest multiple of 10 to that number. In this case, we are looking for the closest multiple of 10 to 830.

To do this, we can consider the two nearest multiples of 10 on either side of 830: 820 and 840.

If 830 is rounded down to 820, it means that numbers less than 825 will be rounded to 820.

If 830 is rounded up to 840, it means that numbers greater than or equal to 825 will be rounded to 840.

Since we are looking for the greatest possible number, we need to consider the numbers that are less than 830 but closer to it than 825. Therefore, the greatest possible number rounded to the nearest 10 that gives a result of 830 is 820.