I need help. I got the answers of 1-3. but I don't know what 4-5 are.

4. The Willows of Marissel by Jean-Baptiste- Camille Corot.

Which elements helps to give the illusion of great height and reaching upwards?

A. the color of the painting
B. the lines made by the trees
C. the shapes of the individuals
D. the negative space around the individuals***

5. Tsuba with Two Figures with a Chinese Lion-Dog by: Okamoto Naoshige

To better define the shape of the objects of the image, what element was emphasized the most?

A. the perspective shown in the individual objects
B. the lines pointing to the objects
C. the color of the objects
D. the negative space around each object.

I think you're mistaken on #4. What looks high/tall? The answer to #5 looks obvious to me. What surrounds the two figures?

I think B & D

To determine the correct answers for questions 4 and 5, we need to carefully analyze the information provided in the given descriptions.

For question 4, "The Willows of Marissel" by Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, the question asks about the elements that contribute to the illusion of great height and reaching upwards. To find the answer, we can examine the elements mentioned in the options and understand how they relate to the subject matter of the painting.

A. The color of the painting: Although color can influence the overall mood or atmosphere of a painting, it is unlikely to play a major role in creating a sense of great height and reaching upwards.

B. The lines made by the trees: Trees often have vertical lines, which can suggest height and reaching upwards. This seems like a relevant element to consider.

C. The shapes of the individuals: The painting focuses on trees and vegetation, so the shapes of individuals are not likely to be significant in conveying a sense of great height and upward movement.

D. The negative space around the individuals: Negative space refers to the empty areas surrounding objects and figures. It is possible that the negative space around the trees has been utilized to create a sense of vastness and height.

Based on these considerations, the most appropriate answer would be D. the negative space around the individuals, as it has the potential to contribute to the illusion of great height and reaching upwards.

Moving on to question 5, "Tsuba with Two Figures with a Chinese Lion-Dog" by Okamoto Naoshige, we need to determine which element was emphasized the most to define the shape of the objects in the image.

A. The perspective shown in the individual objects: Perspective can certainly enhance the perception of depth and three-dimensionality, but it may not directly define the shape of the objects.

B. The lines pointing to the objects: Lines that lead the viewer's eye towards the objects can guide attention and add visual interest, but they may not primarily define the shape of the objects.

C. The color of the objects: Color can contribute to the overall visual appeal, but it may not specifically define the shape of the objects.

D. The negative space around each object: Negative space around objects can help to delineate their shape. By examining the empty spaces between the figures and the background, the shapes of the objects become more defined and recognizable.

Considering these factors, the best answer would be D. the negative space around each object, as it is likely to contribute the most to defining the shape of the objects in the image.

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to arrive at the correct answers for questions 4 and 5.