how does the men's final choice lead to the end of the story two friends

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In the story "Two Friends" by Guy de Maupassant, the men's final choice plays a crucial role in shaping the story's outcome. To understand how it leads to the end of the story, we need to explore the context and events that precede this decisive moment.

The story revolves around two close friends, Monsieur Morissot and Monsieur Sauvage, living in Paris during the Franco-Prussian War. As the city is under constant threat of a Prussian siege, the two friends decide to try their luck by fishing near the outskirt of the city, as a way to escape the hardships of the war.

Throughout their outings, Morissot regularly brings up the idea of relocating to England, where he believes they could find safety and respite from war. Sauvage, however, remains reluctant and attached to his home and family, dismissing Morissot's suggestion.

As the Prussian troops advance closer to Paris, the potential danger becomes more evident. Realizing they need to make a crucial decision, they both meet at a cafe one night. Here we get to the men's final choice, which serves as the turning point leading to the story's end.

Monsieur Morissot puts forward the idea of escaping to England once again, insisting that it is their only chance for survival. This time, he emphasizes the urgency and severity of the situation. Sauvage hesitates, torn between his affection for his family and the risks they face.

Eventually, Monsieur Sauvage decides to stay with his family, making the choice to prioritize their safety and well-being over his personal desires. The two friends part ways, Morissot leaving for England alone.

This choice marks the end of the story as it symbolizes the end of their close friendship and the divergence of their paths. It highlights the theme of sacrifice and the different ways individuals react to challenging circumstances.

To understand the subtle details and emotions behind their final choice, readers should pay attention to dialogue, character traits, and the overall context provided by the author. By analyzing these elements, we can gain a deeper appreciation of how the men's decision leads to the story's conclusion.