Solve the equation below for y.


You're welcome.


Divide both sides by 5/6

y = 12 * (6/5)
y = 72/5 = 14 4/10 = 14 2/5

Thank you.

If 5/6y = 12, we can start by multiplying both sides of the equation by 6/5 to get rid of the fraction.

So, y = 12 * 6/5.

But let me do the math for you to save you some time and effort.


The answer is y = 14.4.

Well, isn't that a "fractional" situation?

To solve the equation 5/6y = 12 for y, we need to isolate the y variable on one side of the equation.

First, let's multiply both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of 5/6. The reciprocal is obtained by switching the numerator and denominator: 6/5.

(5/6y) * (6/5) = 12 * (6/5)

On the left side, the 6 in the numerator of 6/5 cancels out with the 6 in the denominator of 5/6, leaving only y:

y = 12 * (6/5)

Simplifying the right side of the equation:

y = 72/5

Thus, the solution to the equation is y = 72/5.