Americans consume an estimated 38 billion pounds of fresh fruit per year. Express this quantity in terms of pounds per person per month. (Use a population of 315 million)

i came up with 10 pounds per person per month.

To express the quantity of fresh fruit consumed by Americans in terms of pounds per person per month, you need to calculate the total amount of fresh fruit consumed per year by dividing it by the number of people and the number of months.

1. Total Quantity of Fresh Fruit Consumed per Year: 38 billion pounds

2. Number of People: 315 million (population)

3. Number of Months in a Year: 12 months

To find the pounds per person per month, you can use the following steps:

Step 1: Calculate the total quantity consumed per person per year.
Quantity consumed per person per year = Total quantity consumed per year / Number of People
Quantity consumed per person per year = 38 billion pounds / 315 million

Step 2: Calculate the pounds per person per month.
Pounds per person per month = Quantity consumed per person per year / Number of Months
Pounds per person per month = (38 billion pounds / 315 million) / 12

Now, let's calculate the value:

Pounds per person per month = (38,000,000,000 pounds / 315,000,000 people) / 12 months
Pounds per person per month ≈ 101.59 pounds/person/month (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, Americans consume approximately 101.59 pounds of fresh fruit per person per month.

To express the quantity of fresh fruit consumption in terms of pounds per person per month, we need to divide the total quantity consumed per year by the number of people and the number of months.

Let's break down the calculation step by step:

Step 1: Calculate the total quantity consumed per year
The given estimate is 38 billion pounds of fresh fruit consumed per year.

Step 2: Calculate the number of pounds per person per year
To find this, divide the total quantity consumed per year by the population:
38 billion pounds / 315 million = 120.63 pounds per person per year.

Step 3: Calculate the number of pounds per person per month
Since there are 12 months in a year, divide the value calculated in step 2 by 12:
120.63 pounds per person per year / 12 months = 10.05 pounds per person per month.

Therefore, Americans consume an estimated 10.05 pounds of fresh fruit per person per month.

It's your turn now, Bo. How do YOU think you should solve this problem?