unscramble these words, the ending Sometimes us surprise with.

sometimes the surprise ending with us.

I don't see any way to rearrange the words to make a sentence. Are you missing a word?

I need help on the same thing but um poop the websites don't help, they only do words. I really need help but this is in like 2011. If anyone noes cud they post it down by Thursday 13, 2011

To unscramble the words, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the given words: The given words are "the," "ending," "Sometimes," "us," "surprise," and "with."

2. Analyze each word: Take a closer look at each word that needs to be unscrambled and try to identify any patterns or clues.

3. Rearrange the letters: Using the letters provided in each word, try rearranging them to form meaningful words.

Here are the unscrambled words:

- The: It appears to be unscrambled already.
- Ending: Arrange the letters to form "ending."
- Sometimes: Rearrange the letters to spell "Sometimes."
- Us: It appears to be unscrambled already.
- Surprise: Rearrange the letters to spell "surprise."
- With: Rearrange the letters to form "with."

Putting it all together, the unscrambled phrase is: "Sometimes the ending surprises us with."