Janice scored 85% on the last test.she answered 34 questions correctly.how many questions were on the test?

The Answer Should Be 40

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To find out how many questions were on the test, we can set up a proportion using the percentage score and the number of questions answered correctly.

Let's assume the total number of questions on the test is "x".

Since Janice scored 85%, this means she answered 85% of the total questions correctly. We can represent this as 85% of "x", or 0.85x.

We know that Janice answered 34 questions correctly, so we set up the following proportion:

0.85x / x = 34 / 1

To solve this proportion, we can cross-multiply:

0.85x * 1 = 34 * x

0.85x = 34

Now we can solve for "x" by dividing both sides of the equation by 0.85:

x = 34 / 0.85

Simplifying this calculation, we get:

x = 40

Therefore, there were 40 questions on the test.