
Thanks for checking my question out!


If ∠EFG and ∠GFH are a linear pair,
m∠EFG = 2n + 21, and m∠GFH = 4n + 15.
What are m∠EFG and m∠GFH?

Could someone please help me out?

- Da Fash

a linear pair make up a straight angle. So,

2n+21 + 4n+15 = 180




Sure, I can help you with that!

To find the measures of ∠EFG and ∠GFH, we need to use the fact that they form a linear pair, which means they are adjacent angles that add up to 180 degrees.

So, we can set up the equation:

m∠EFG + m∠GFH = 180

Now, let's substitute the given values:

(2n + 21) + (4n + 15) = 180

Combine like terms:

6n + 36 = 180

Subtract 36 from both sides:

6n = 144

Divide both sides by 6:

n = 24

Now that we have the value of n, we can find the measures of the angles:

m∠EFG = 2n + 21 = 2(24) + 21 = 48 + 21 = 69 degrees

m∠GFH = 4n + 15 = 4(24) + 15 = 96 + 15 = 111 degrees

Therefore, the measure of ∠EFG is 69 degrees, and the measure of ∠GFH is 111 degrees.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.