Your backpack contains 2010 chocolate bars, which you are going to divide between your best friend and yourself. You think you are a nice person, so you will give your best friend more than zero chocolate bars. However, you have been craving chocolate recently, and so you must have at least twice as many chocolate bars as your friend after you finish dividing them. What is the difference between the maximum and minimum number of chocolate bars you can have?

To find the difference between the maximum and minimum number of chocolate bars you can have, let's approach the problem step by step.

First, let's assume that you give your friend "x" chocolate bars. According to the conditions, in the end, you should have at least twice as many chocolate bars as your friend. This means you will have at least 2x chocolate bars.

Since you have a total of 2010 chocolate bars, you can set up the equation:
x + 2x = 2010

Combining the like terms:
3x = 2010

Dividing both sides by 3:
x = 670

So, if you give your friend 670 chocolate bars, you will have twice as many, which is 2 * 670 = 1340 chocolate bars.

Now, let's find the minimum number of chocolate bars you can have. Recall that you have to give your friend more than zero chocolate bars. The minimum value of x would be 1. In that case, you would have 2 * 1 = 2 chocolate bars.

Therefore, the difference between the maximum and minimum number of chocolate bars you can have is 1340 - 2 = 1338 chocolate bars.